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Помогите что то не так зделал!
DaaSДата: Среда, 16.03.2011, 11:18 | Сообщение # 16
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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я сделал все как ты сказал но когда захожу в вов и пишу свой акаунт он пишет мне в ответ: Сервер входа недоступин!! что делать???!!
ImperiuzДата: Среда, 16.03.2011, 18:50 | Сообщение # 17
[ Web-Designer ]
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Сообщений: 189
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Репутация: 43
отключить антивирус, и сменить реалмлист на локальный wink

DaaSДата: Среда, 16.03.2011, 19:19 | Сообщение # 18
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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Репутация: 0
как понять на локальный я просто ваще не понимаю ниче в этом
ImperiuzДата: Среда, 16.03.2011, 19:29 | Сообщение # 19
[ Web-Designer ]
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 189
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Репутация: 43
идем сюда, примерный путь:

C:\World of Warcraft\Data\ruRU\realmlist.wtf его открываем блокнотом, удаляем все, оставляем только:

set realmlist , сохраняем и перезапускаем клиент, заходим под своим пассом и все =)

DaaSДата: Среда, 16.03.2011, 21:09 | Сообщение # 20
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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Репутация: 0
Пишет вход на игровой сервер и не заходит че теперь делать?? sad
ImperiuzДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 15:19 | Сообщение # 21
[ Web-Designer ]
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Сообщений: 189
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Репутация: 43
Возможно у тебя в базе стоит левый ip на реалме...

Ммм, объясняю, ставим программу Navicat коннектимся к базе и смотрим какой там ip.

Более подробней все описано тут: http://www.wow-game.ru/forum/22-100-1 учимся пользоваться поиском.

DaaSДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 18:24 | Сообщение # 22
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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Почему друзья зайти не могут помоги плиззз!!
ImperiuzДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 18:50 | Сообщение # 23
[ Web-Designer ]
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 189
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Репутация: 43
Ну во первых тут надо сделать две вещи, узнать какой у тебя ip (динамический или статичный)

Во вторых сменить в навикате ip на твой инетовский... и зарегистрировать друзьям аккаунты

DaaSДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 20:17 | Сообщение # 24
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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Репутация: 0
акаунт зарегал ип динамо
ImperiuzДата: Четверг, 17.03.2011, 20:46 | Сообщение # 25
[ Web-Designer ]
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 189
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Репутация: 43
Quote (DaaS)
акаунт зарегал ип динамо

тебе в эту тему ... http://www.wow-game.ru/forum/22-859-1 просил ведь поиск использовать =)

MopakДата: Четверг, 24.03.2011, 19:14 | Сообщение # 26
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
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Репутация: 0
При конекте к серву не входит на сервер, хотя сервер виден и работает пишет вроде вход в игру. Пробовал и со стандартным айпи и с со своим локальным. Есть идеи?
ZersДата: Воскресенье, 05.06.2011, 09:13 | Сообщение # 27
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 3
Награды: 0
Репутация: 1
Когда заливайю CU_335a-0002 в навик вот что выдает (видимо из-за этого не могу создать бладов, дренеев и дк):
[Err] 1054 - Unknown column '553_FIX_10100' in 'db_version_ytdb'
[Err] # Y2kCat
ALTER TABLE db_version_ytdb CHANGE COLUMN 553_FIX_10100 554_FIX_10120 bit;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3433' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] # WDB
INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3433', 'A student of mine asked me today, \"Why are there so many limitations on traditional portals, when Fel portals can be made twice as large and last ten times as long?\" The student was not yet educated in the abstraction of what is practical versus what is achievable, yet the question held within me a certain duality: What future is there for the established practices of magic when so many wild variations threaten to overshadow them? \r\n', '3434');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3434' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3434', 'I do all I can to stifle studies of Fel magics and necromancy here, yet I find myself both disturbed and enthralled by their potential. I refuse to believe that that their efficiency so soundly trumps the common criticisms of being unstable or \"evil\" that these schools hold the monopoly of avenues for magical progress. Yet when witnessing the massive infernal for one\'s self, or seeing acres of land blighted at the wave of a hand, I fear my beliefs may soon shift from gospel to dogma in the minds of my peers.\r\n', '3435');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3435' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3435', 'Oct 16.\r\n\r\nMy primary focus has shifted to research of the plague that ravages the north. I\'ve canceled most of my classes to focus on research of this terrible anomaly. \r\nWith immense precaution I\'ve procured a shipment of the infested grain. Immediately I was both impressed and suspicious with how innocuous the whole package presented itself. There was no discoloration, no discernable odor, and no variation at all from any other sheaf of grain. \r\nAt that moment it was no longer a mystery how this plague spread so quickly. \r\n', '3436');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3436' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3436', 'Oct 17.\r\nFurther study of the plague has yielded disturbing conclusions, and even more disturbing implications. \r\nInitial testing showed the plague had only minor effects on non-human creatures. Symptoms ranged from fatigue, nausea, fever, to minor hallucinations, but rarely resulted in death. On human tissue, however, the plague acts uniformly and with unprecedented expediency towards necrosis.\r\n', '3437');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3437' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3437', 'It would be foolish to think that such an efficient human killer only being found in human rations is a coincidence. While it\'s certainly possible that these two occurrences are unrelated, I\'ve decided to delegate more resources towards finding the source of this plague, for I fear there are intelligent hands pushing it upon our kin. \r\n\r\nMore research must be done here at Dalaran, however. I will decide who to send to investigate in my stead at a later date, after some heavy deliberation. ', '3438');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3438' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3438', 'Oct 18.\r\n\r\nI\'ve stumbled upon a key factor of this plague, one so cleverly hidden in its methodology that I\'ve come to two immutable conclusions: That its development was for the singular purpose of ending human life, and its inception was at the hands of an intelligent being. \r\nLong term affliction of the plague causes a certain reanimation of activity in the dead. This activity is very small at first, and I disregarded it as a minor side-effect. However, this energy remained persistent and unwavering. A thought struck me, one which was both surprising and strong: The corpse was waiting for something. \r\n', '3439');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3439' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3439', 'At that moment I did not have any evidence to prove it, but I nonetheless I spent time pursuing it. I used my limited knowledge of necromancy and casted simple curses on the corpse. At the time I had no motivation to raise the dead, only to change or distinguish the radiating energy off the corpse. Imagine my surprise when it sprung to life and attacked me.\r\n', '3440');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3440' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3440', 'I did not hesitate to incinerate it to dust, and I now I regret doing so. But I was able to prove my unprovoked theory, that the corpse (and by extension the plague that saturates it) was indeed waiting for further commands. It\'s clear that those who die by this plague are only lying dormant in their graves, awaiting one skillful in necromancy to awaken them.\r\n\r\n In short, it is indisputable that the plague is magical in nature. \r\n', '3441');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3441' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3441', 'Oct 20.\r\n\r\nI have decided to send my most trusted disciple, Jaina Proudmoore, to investigate the source of the plague. Based on my research, I believe only my most skillful disciple will be able to handle the unknown challenges that await such an endeavor. She will take with her a copy of this journal and my other research documents regarding the plague. Indeed I will make it public, for all people need to become aware of this imminent threat. \r\n', '3442');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3442' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3442', 'I only wish I could investigate it myself, but Terenas has proven to be predictably stubborn to my requests. It is paramount that I convince him to quarantine the north. Little else matters at this point in time. Regardless, I have the fullest faith in Jaina\'s cunning. If she or I cannot put an end to this infestation, I doubt anyone can.\r\n\r\n-Antonidas-\r\n<This is marked with the seal of the Council of Six>\r\n', '0');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3478' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3478', 'Hark!\r\n\r\nMagic is not what you have been taught. Its dangers far exceed the greatest gifts it may bring! Question your Elders, that you may know the truth. Act now while there is time to save yourselves! Learn the ways of Nature and share in the balance of all things, ere your destructive ways upset it beyond repair.\r\n\r\n<An unfamiliar seal decorates the bottom of the flier.>\r\n', '0');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3491' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3491', '...It\'s not so much an echo as it is a comforting voice in my head,peassuring me that there\'s more to come. It feels like the opposite of a headache (if that makes any sense), a wave of warmth and ideas. For example: I knew the librarian kept some materials secret, but the voice tells me she has demonic literature and that even so, her understanding of demons is laughable at best.\r\n', '3492');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3492' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3492', 'My conscience was right again. I am more than adept at the simple spellwork they teach us at school. For every biscuit my peers conjure, I can make a meal. Nikolai can see the change within me. Is he scared? My conscience tells me that\'s what the elder mages call respect.', '3493');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3493' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3493', 'I could seek him out... he\'s surely in the north! I can see the way clearly. Redemption can\'t be impossible. It can\'t be too late. I can make him whole again, or better! With my powers growing, amplified, I can make us all so happy! Mother, Father, Nikolai... we can all be one, together...\r\n', '3494');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3494' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3494', 'Nikolai fears me; his eyes betray what his lips won\'t say. It\'s fine; our history and my conscience agree that respect and fear are the same. If he leaves me, I\'ll make sure that whoever dares to touch what\'s mine lives to regret it. They\'ll all be ours in the end, my sisters.\r\n', '3495');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3495' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3495', ' ...with threats to report or expel me if I don\'t return his cat to normal. What\'s abnormal about an old cat? I would have liked to do it to him instead. How dare they defend him when he stood up to me in front of Nikolai?\r\n', '3496');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '3496' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('3496', 'Mother had the nerve to scold me. Doesn\'t she realize who I am? I can feel him calling to me. This city and these people don\'t deserve me. More than enough of the provisions I\'d need are in the kitchen. Nikolai, Mother, even that blasted cat... they\'ll do anything I want and stay with me forever. The money in Mother\'s dresser is mine by right; only I can help him.\r\n\r\n<The rest of the pages are empty.>\r\n', '0');
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '49313' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `item_template` SET `name`='Polished Dragonslayer''s Signet',`description`='',`entry`=49313,`class`=4,`subclass`=0,`unk0`=-1,`displayid`=26391,`Quality`=4,`Flags`=0,`BuyPrice`=328090,`SellPrice `=82022,`InventoryType`=11,`AllowableClass`=-1,`AllowableRace`=-1,`ItemLevel`=232,`RequiredLevel`=0,`RequiredSkill`=0,`RequiredSkillRank`=0, `requiredspell`=0,`requiredhonorrank`=0,`RequiredCityRank`=0,`RequiredReputationFaction`=0,`RequiredReputationRank`=0,`maxcount`=0,`stackabl e`=1,`ContainerSlots`=0,`StatsCount`=5,`stat_type1`=5,`stat_value1`=50,`stat_type2`=6,`stat_value2`=30,`stat_type3`=7,`stat_value3`=54,`stat _type4`=32,`stat_value4`=47,`stat_type5`=45,`stat_value5`=78,`stat_type6`=0,`stat_value6`=0,`stat_type7`=0,`stat_value7`=0,`stat_type8`=0,`s tat_value8`=0,`stat_type9`=0,`stat_value9`=0,`stat_type10`=0,`stat_value10`=0,`ScalingStatDistribution`=0,`ScalingStatValue`=0,`dmg_min1`=0, `dmg_max1`=0,`dmg_type1`=0,`dmg_min2`=0,`dmg_max2`=0,`dmg_type2`=0,`armor`=0,`holy_res`=0,`fire_res`=10,`nature_res`=0,`frost_res`=0,`shadow _res`=0,`arcane_res`=0,`delay`=0,`ammo_type`=0,`RangedModRange`=0,`spellid_1`=0,`spelltrigger_1`=1,`spellcharges_1`=0,`spellcooldown_1`=-1,` spellcategory_1`=0,`spellcategorycooldown_1`=-1,`spellid_2`=0,`spelltrigger_2`=0,`spellcharges_2`=0,`spellcooldown_2`=-1,`spellcategory_2`=0 ,`spellcategorycooldown_2`=-1,`spellid_3`=0,`spelltrigger_3`=0,`spellcharges_3`=0,`spellcooldown_3`=-1,`spellcategory_3`=0,`spellcategorycoo ldown_3`=-1,`spellid_4`=0,`spelltrigger_4`=0,`spellcharges_4`=0,`spellcooldown_4`=-1,`spellcategory_4`=0,`spellcategorycooldown_4`=-1,`spell id_5`=0,`spelltrigger_5`=0,`spellcharges_5`=0,`spellcooldown_5`=-1,`spellcategory_5`=0,`spellcategorycooldown_5`=-1,`bonding`=1,`PageText`=0 ,`LanguageID`=0,`PageMaterial`=0,`startquest`=0,`lockid`=0,`Material`=3,`sheath`=0,`RandomProperty`=0,`RandomSuffix`=0,`block`=0,`itemset`=0 ,`MaxDurability`=0,`area`=0,`Map`=0,`BagFamily`=0,`TotemCategory`=0,`socketColor_1`=0,`socketContent_1`=0,`socketColor_2`=0,`socketContent_2 `=0,`socketColor_3`=0,`socketContent_3`=0,`socketBonus`=0,`GemProperties`=0,`RequiredDisenchantSkill`=375,`ArmorDamageModifier`=0,`Duration` =0,`ItemLimitCategory`=0,`HolidayID`=0;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '7256' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `npc_text` SET `ID`=7256,`prob0`=1,`text0_0`='I perform one final service. I pray it is sufficient...',`text0_1`='',`lang0`=0,`em0_0`=0,`em0_1`=26,`em0_2`=0,`em0_3`=0,`em0_4`=0,`em0_5`=0,`prob1`=0,`text1_0`='',`text1_1`='',`lang 1`=0,`em1_0`=0,`em1_1`=0,`em1_2`=0,`em1_3`=0,`em1_4`=0,`em1_5`=0,`prob2`=0,`text2_0`='',`text2_1`='',`lang2`=0,`em2_0`=0,`em2_1`=0,`em2_2`=0 ,`em2_3`=0,`em2_4`=0,`em2_5`=0,`prob3`=0,`text3_0`='',`text3_1`='',`lang3`=0,`em3_0`=0,`em3_1`=0,`em3_2`=0,`em3_3`=0,`em3_4`=0,`em3_5`=0,`pr ob4`=0,`text4_0`='',`text4_1`='',`lang4`=0,`em4_0`=0,`em4_1`=0,`em4_2`=0,`em4_3`=0,`em4_4`=0,`em4_5`=0,`prob5`=0,`text5_0`='',`text5_1`='',` lang5`=0,`em5_0`=0,`em5_1`=0,`em5_2`=0,`em5_3`=0,`em5_4`=0,`em5_5`=0,`prob6`=0,`text6_0`='',`text6_1`='',`lang6`=0,`em6_0`=0,`em6_1`=0,`em6_ 2`=0,`em6_3`=0,`em6_4`=0,`em6_5`=0,`prob7`=0,`text7_0`='',`text7_1`='',`lang7`=0,`em7_0`=0,`em7_1`=0,`em7_2`=0,`em7_3`=0,`em7_4`=0,`em7_5`=0 ;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '14192' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `npc_text` SET `ID`=14192,`prob0`=1,`text0_0`='Welcome $c, to my humble retreat. I find this place very relaxing and I have always loved being at home in Dalaran. Sometimes though, it can be a lonely place... such a lonely place.',`text0_1`='',`lang0`=0,`em0_0`=0,`em0_1`=0,`em0_2`=0,`em0_3`=0,`em0_4`=0,`em0_5`=0,`prob1`=0,`text1_0`='',`text1_1`='',`lang1`=0,`em 1_0`=0,`em1_1`=0,`em1_2`=0,`em1_3`=0,`em1_4`=0,`em1_5`=0,`prob2`=0,`text2_0`='',`text2_1`='',`lang2`=0,`em2_0`=0,`em2_1`=0,`em2_2`=0,`em2_3` =0,`em2_4`=0,`em2_5`=0,`prob3`=0,`text3_0`='',`text3_1`='',`lang3`=0,`em3_0`=0,`em3_1`=0,`em3_2`=0,`em3_3`=0,`em3_4`=0,`em3_5`=0,`prob4`=0,` text4_0`='',`text4_1`='',`lang4`=0,`em4_0`=0,`em4_1`=0,`em4_2`=0,`em4_3`=0,`em4_4`=0,`em4_5`=0,`prob5`=0,`text5_0`='',`text5_1`='',`lang5`=0 ,`em5_0`=0,`em5_1`=0,`em5_2`=0,`em5_3`=0,`em5_4`=0,`em5_5`=0,`prob6`=0,`text6_0`='',`text6_1`='',`lang6`=0,`em6_0`=0,`em6_1`=0,`em6_2`=0,`em 6_3`=0,`em6_4`=0,`em6_5`=0,`prob7`=0,`text7_0`='',`text7_1`='',`lang7`=0,`em7_0`=0,`em7_1`=0,`em7_2`=0,`em7_3`=0,`em7_4`=0,`em7_5`=0;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '14194' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `npc_text` SET `ID`=14194,`prob0`=1,`text0_0`='Amazing! There are passages in here that I have never seen before. This must have taken quite a while for you to track down. If you ever find anymore books like this, I would like to be notified immediately.

Please take one of my Kirin Tor Familiars with you just in case you stumble across anything.',`text0_1`='',`lang0`=0,`em0_0`=0,`em0_1`=0,`em0_2`=0,`em0_3`=0,`em0_4`=0,`em0_5`=0,`prob1`=0,`text1_0`='',`text1_1`='',`lang1`=0, `em1_0`=0,`em1_1`=0,`em1_2`=0,`em1_3`=0,`em1_4`=0,`em1_5`=0,`prob2`=0,`text2_0`='',`text2_1`='',`lang2`=0,`em2_0`=0,`em2_1`=0,`em2_2`=0,`em2 _3`=0,`em2_4`=0,`em2_5`=0,`prob3`=0,`text3_0`='',`text3_1`='',`lang3`=0,`em3_0`=0,`em3_1`=0,`em3_2`=0,`em3_3`=0,`em3_4`=0,`em3_5`=0,`prob4`= 0,`text4_0`='',`text4_1`='',`lang4`=0,`em4_0`=0,`em4_1`=0,`em4_2`=0,`em4_3`=0,`em4_4`=0,`em4_5`=0,`prob5`=0,`text5_0`='',`text5_1`='',`lang5 `=0,`em5_0`=0,`em5_1`=0,`em5_2`=0,`em5_3`=0,`em5_4`=0,`em5_5`=0,`prob6`=0,`text6_0`='',`text6_1`='',`lang6`=0,`em6_0`=0,`em6_1`=0,`em6_2`=0, `em6_3`=0,`em6_4`=0,`em6_5`=0,`prob7`=0,`text7_0`='',`text7_1`='',`lang7`=0,`em7_0`=0,`em7_1`=0,`em7_2`=0,`em7_3`=0,`em7_4`=0,`em7_5`=0;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '14229' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `npc_text` SET `ID`=14229,`prob0`=1,`text0_0`='Candy! That''s what I''m talking about; I just wish I didn''t have to run around finding it!',`text0_1`='Candy! That''s what I''m talking about; I just wish I didn''t have to run around finding it!',`lang0`=0,`em0_0`=0,`em0_1`=0,`em0_2`=0,`em0_3`=0,`em0_4`=0,`em0_5`=0,`prob1`=0,`text1_0`='',`text1_1`='',`lang1`=0,`em1_0`=0,`em1_1`=0 ,`em1_2`=0,`em1_3`=0,`em1_4`=0,`em1_5`=0,`prob2`=0,`text2_0`='',`text2_1`='',`lang2`=0,`em2_0`=0,`em2_1`=0,`em2_2`=0,`em2_3`=0,`em2_4`=0,`em 2_5`=0,`prob3`=0,`text3_0`='',`text3_1`='',`lang3`=0,`em3_0`=0,`em3_1`=0,`em3_2`=0,`em3_3`=0,`em3_4`=0,`em3_5`=0,`prob4`=0,`text4_0`='',`tex t4_1`='',`lang4`=0,`em4_0`=0,`em4_1`=0,`em4_2`=0,`em4_3`=0,`em4_4`=0,`em4_5`=0,`prob5`=0,`text5_0`='',`text5_1`='',`lang5`=0,`em5_0`=0,`em5_ 1`=0,`em5_2`=0,`em5_3`=0,`em5_4`=0,`em5_5`=0,`prob6`=0,`text6_0`='',`text6_1`='',`lang6`=0,`em6_0`=0,`em6_1`=0,`em6_2`=0,`em6_3`=0,`em6_4`=0 ,`em6_5`=0,`prob7`=0,`text7_0`='',`text7_1`='',`lang7`=0,`em7_0`=0,`em7_1`=0,`em7_2`=0,`em7_3`=0,`em7_4`=0,`em7_5`=0;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '15855' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `npc_text` SET `ID`=15855,`prob0`=1,`text0_0`='',`text0_1`='The Frost Lord, Ahune, must be stopped.

Even now he is taking form, summoned from his elemental prison by the mad cultists of the Twilight''s Hammer.

If he''s allowed to enter our world completely, he''ll bury us beneath an eternal winter.',`lang0`=0,`em0_0`=0,`em0_1`=1,`em0_2`=0,`em0_3`=0,`em0_4`=0,`em0_5`=0,`prob1`=0,`text1_0`='',`text1_1`='',`lang1`=0,`em1_0`=0,`em1_ 1`=0,`em1_2`=0,`em1_3`=0,`em1_4`=0,`em1_5`=0,`prob2`=0,`text2_0`='',`text2_1`='',`lang2`=0,`em2_0`=0,`em2_1`=0,`em2_2`=0,`em2_3`=0,`em2_4`=0 ,`em2_5`=0,`prob3`=0,`text3_0`='',`text3_1`='',`lang3`=0,`em3_0`=0,`em3_1`=0,`em3_2`=0,`em3_3`=0,`em3_4`=0,`em3_5`=0,`prob4`=0,`text4_0`='', `text4_1`='',`lang4`=0,`em4_0`=0,`em4_1`=0,`em4_2`=0,`em4_3`=0,`em4_4`=0,`em4_5`=0,`prob5`=0,`text5_0`='',`text5_1`='',`lang5`=0,`em5_0`=0,` em5_1`=0,`em5_2`=0,`em5_3`=0,`em5_4`=0,`em5_5`=0,`prob6`=0,`text6_0`='',`text6_1`='',`lang6`=0,`em6_0`=0,`em6_1`=0,`em6_2`=0,`em6_3`=0,`em6_ 4`=0,`em6_5`=0,`prob7`=0,`text7_0`='',`text7_1`='',`lang7`=0,`em7_0`=0,`em7_1`=0,`em7_2`=0,`em7_3`=0,`em7_4`=0,`em7_5`=0;
[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '93524' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

Добавлено (05.06.2011, 09:13)
ой, чего-то много...
сорь wink

HeksinДата: Вторник, 01.05.2012, 07:42 | Сообщение # 28
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 1
Награды: 0
Репутация: 0
Imperiuz чувак чувак помоги пожалуйста у меня логиниться но не подключается к серву просто [подключение к серверу] и заново открывается окно серверов !!!еще когда запускаю mangosd.exe он грузит грузит потом останавливается на ошибке про mangosscript.dll и вылетает как исправить подскажи пожалуйста)

P.S. Большое спасибо все сделал))))

Сообщение отредактировал Heksin - Вторник, 01.05.2012, 10:54
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