подскажите плиз в чем ошибка ? 2010-03-14 10:56:58 Realm running as realm ID 1
2010-03-14 10:56:58 Using World DB: YTDB_0.10.7_R518_MaNGOS_R8778_SD2_R1493_ACID_R301_RuDB_R33
2010-03-14 10:56:58 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.0 - Full Release for Mangos
2010-03-14 10:56:58 ERROR:CharactersPerRealm (15) must be in range 1..10. Set to 10.
2010-03-14 10:56:58 ERROR:StartPlayerMoney (2147483647) must be in range 0..2147483646. Set to 2147483646.
2010-03-14 10:56:58 ERROR:GM.StartLevel (1) must be in range StartPlayerLevel(80)..100. Set to 80.
2010-03-14 10:56:58 Using DataDir ./
2010-03-14 10:56:58 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:0, getHeight:0
2010-03-14 10:56:58 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
2010-03-14 10:56:58 WORLD: VMap config keys are: vmap.enableLOS, vmap.enableHeight, vmap.ignoreMapIds, vmap.ignoreSpellIds
2010-03-14 10:56:58 ERROR:Map file './maps/0004331.map' is non-compatible version (outdated?). Please, create new using ad.exe program.
2010-03-14 10:56:58 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmap/*vmdir files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmap/*.vmdir files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.